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Attendance Works Infographic


The Oneida City School District is committed to improving student achievement. Student attendance is one of the most important factors in predicting student success in school. When students miss school, arrive late or leave early, they are missing essential instruction and learning. Research shows that missing just 10% (18 Days) of the school year negatively affects a student's academic performance.

New York State and the Oneida City School District have compulsory student attendance policies. Often, the number of days that students are absent, tardy or dismissed early accumulates without parents realizing how many days have been missed. We are certain that you share our concern regarding missed instruction. We expect students attend school every day and to be on time. We do realize that on certain occasions students will have a necessary and excused absence. Please know that we offer various resource and supports if you are in need of assistance in improving student attendance.

Below is an example of a comparison chart,outlining monthly student attendance, which will be sent home to all families throughout the school year.


Student Attendance percentages