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Reading Instruction

The Oneida City School District believes students can and will read on grade level by the end of second grade. As we work to educate, inspire and empower all students, SuperKids, our new K-2 reading program, focuses on foundational reading skills which are essential for future reading success. The writing component eases students into the writing process through developmentally appropriate use of graphic organizers and application of word study.

As students enter third grade, our instruction shifts to the Journeys reading program which challenges students to apply their knowledge of reading and analyzing text while honing their phonetic skills. The writing component encourages students to develop their skills surrounding the areas of: focus, support, organization, elaboration, purpose, conventions, development, and evidence. Teachers model this process allowing students to become independent writers.

In summary, K-2 students initially learn to read while students in grades 3-5 read to learn. We look forward to building partnerships with families to promote reading and writing. Thank you for your support!

K-2 Reading Instruction: Superkids Reading Program

The Superkids Reading Program logo

The Superkids Reading Program™ captivates students from the start with tales of the Superkids. These relatable characters and their ongoing adventures provide an engaging and cohesive framework for literacy success.‬‬

Superkids® is a comprehensive English language arts curriculum crafted for grades K-2 using evidence-based literacy practices and supported by a dedicated literacy team. This proven effective program follows a unique, systematic, and explicit instructional path through engaging, increasingly complex text.

Growing and learning with the Superkids by their side, all students develop the K-2 literacy skills they need to be successful in grade 3 and beyond. Please contact your child's teacher to learn more about the Superkids Reading Program or click here for more information.

Superkids logo

3-5 Reading Instruction: Journeys Reading Program

Journeys is a research-based, rigorous, comprehensive English Language Arts program designed to provide all students with a path to achieving success with grade-level instructional standards. Inspired by five key themes, Journeys empowers and motivates students to develop college and career readiness as broadly literate, increasingly independent lifelong learners. Please contact your child's teacher to learn more about the Journeys Reading Program or click here for more information.

Journeys Reading Program